A Symphony of Healing: Exploring the Music Garden - The Center for Child Protection
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A Symphony of Healing: Exploring the Music Garden

Andrea Anderson
by Andrea Anderson
July 31, 2024
Read time: 2 minutes

We are thrilled to share one of the most innovative therapeutic spaces on our campus – our Music Garden. This unique outdoor area is designed to support children who have experienced trauma by blending the calming effects of music with the healing power of nature.

At first glance, it may appear like a playground of sorts, but this area offers our children so much more. The Music Garden’s equipment has been thoughtfully designed to help children process traumatic experiences in a supportive and engaging way.

Traditional therapy often involves sitting with a clinician to talk through experiences, which can be intimidating and less effective for a child who has faced repeated trauma. The children we work with at the Center may be stuck in a fight-or-flight response and require a different therapeutic approach. Our method understands that these children may not have the words to express their feelings, so we offer them alternative ways to communicate and heal, opening doors to hope and recovery.

Consider the journey of a child even before birth, in utero, surrounded by the constant, soothing rhythm of their mother’s heartbeat. This repetitive, stable beat is something we aim to replicate in our Music Garden. Instruments like our djembe drums mimic this comforting sound, providing children with a sense of security during emotional distress. Similarly, our gongs and rainsticks produce repetitive and meditative sounds that help reduce anxiety and stress.

We look at different types of activities that helps them express their feelings without them having to use their words. In fact a lot of times they may not even have the words to talk about what it is that has happened to them. Miriam Janksy , Chief Clinical Officer

The Music Garden also plays a crucial role in fostering healthy relationships. Trauma can significantly impact a child’s ability to form and maintain healthy relationships. Through rhythmic patterns and interactive musical play, children learn the fundamentals of give-and-take, forming the basis for positive relationships. The simple act of creating and responding to beats with another person can help build trust and connection.

In this cozy outdoor space, children work with our skilled clinicians, engaging in musical play that allows them to safely process complex emotions.

We are deeply grateful for your support in making the Music Garden a reality. Together, we are orchestrating a brighter future for the children we serve. Thank you for being part of this transformative journey.

For more information about our therapy services, please visit our website.

Andrea Anderson
About Andrea Anderson

Bilingual Marketing & Design Specialist