Friends of Christopher Guild
Friends of Christopher Guild members work together in an inspiring and uplifting atmosphere to support The Center through donations of time, talents and financial support.

Our History
The Friends of Christopher Guild was born out of our community’s despair, frustration and outrage over the death of two-year-old Christopher Wohlers. Formed in 1998 by concerned women and mothers, the Friends of Christopher Guild is committed to sustaining and expanding the safety net for abused children in Travis County through support of the Center for Child Protection. Guild members volunteer tirelessly on behalf of Austin’s children.
How We Help
Each year, guild members host the PlayBingo Ladies Luncheon, a unique Austin event. Through the years, PlayBingo has grown to include 1,000 ladies who rally their friends for a midafternoon rendezvous of tasty drinks, fabulous auction items, and of course- BINGO!
Guild members meet monthly for a productive lunch hour which includes socializing, PlayBingo planning discussions, child abuse education, Center for Child Protection needs, and much more. Meetings are generally held on one Thursday of the month from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.
A favorite of guild members, bracelet parties give members an opportunity to socialize while making bracelets for PlayBingo. Happy hour events give members a chance to get to know one another and support our corporate sponsors.
Friends of Christopher Guild members donate their time and talents to assist the Center in many ways. Members are often seen contributing their professional skills to help with the Center’s events and activities. They also volunteer their time to directly support families that visit the Center for appointments and are a key factor in keeping the Center’s Kid’s Closet stocked through their donations of items needed.