What Is My Impact?
As unrestricted funds, Guardian Angel pledges ensure that children and their protective families receive the services they need to heal.
With just one year of Guardian Angels pledges:
- 182 children are able to tell their story to a trained professional in a child-friendly environment.
- 382 children are able to attend therapy sessions to help heal from their trauma.
- 1,166 community members are able to receive training on child abuse prevention.
Though many of us grow up in a home free of abuse, there are many that live a life victimized. It is with tremendous gratitude that I continuously support The Center so they can serve the youngest and most vulnerable of our community. There is a quiet peace within knowing my dollars as a Guardian Angel are used to touch a heart of someone that needs to feel it the most. Marjorie Burciaga , Guardian Angel
What is my commitment?
Pledge to make a minimum of $1,000 donation per year for three years.
- Pledge amounts vary from $1,000 per year to $10,000 per year, any amount is allowed.
- Contributions toward pledges can be made at any time throughout pledge period.
- After fulfillment of your pledge, you will have the opportunity to renew your pledge commitment for another three years.
Our staff & resources at The Center continue to be worthy of our support. While our Community of Guardians cannot always prevent the abuse & neglect of children – we are fully responsible for how we respond. The Society helps to assure that our services remain free, to those in need of them. Kathi & David Allen , Guardian Angels
What are my member benefits?
Contributions are 100% tax deductible
Your family photo can be displayed on the Center’s Guardian Angel wall
Semi-annual notes from the CEO
Two Guardian Angel events each year
Exclusive news and invitations from the Center
Guardian Angel lapel pin
What are my payment options?
Monthly, quarterly, or annual installments. Contribute as little as $83 per month!
Payments can be automatically drafted or paid at your convenience via check, online, stock transfer, or phone.
Does your employer match gifts? You can give through them too!
Check our list of employers who match here.